Gwalior is the city of MADHYA PRADESH. Gwalior has a population of around 1053505 . As of India census 2011 Gwalior had a population of 1053505. Males constitute 560887 of the population and females constitute 492618. The population of Gwalior in 0-6 age group child is 114190 which include 62516 males and 51674 females. Effective Literacy Rate (7+ Pop) of Gwalior is 85.2% with 90.85% the males and 78.82% of females literate and total number of Literates persons are 800325 which include 452788 males and 347537 females. The female to male ratio in Gwalior was 878/1000 and the child sex ratio (0-6 years) female to male was 827/1000.
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