Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
Chemical Engineer
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
Address: Regd. Office: 17, Jamshedji Tata Road
Postal Code: 400020
City Mumbai
State Maharashtra
Pay Scale: Rs. 33,000/- per month.
Educational Requirements: Candidates should have passed qualifying degree examinations and awarded bachelor’s degree in engineering/technology in Chemical, Petrochemical, Petroleum Refining & Petrochemical, Petroleum Refining.
Qualifications: All the qualifications should be full time regular course/s from AICTE approved / UGC recognized University/Deemed University. The courses offered by Autonomous Institutions should be equivalent to the relevant courses approved / recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/UGC/AICTE.
How To Apply: Candidates are requested to read the complete instructions hereunder before proceeding to the application form. Apply online only on www.hpclcareers.com or through www.hindustanpetroleum.com. Online submission of the application will be allowed on the website upto 12.02.2014. No other mean / mode of the application shall be accepted. Online Application System will be open from 1200 hrs. on 18.12.2013 to 2400 hrs. on 12.02.2014.
Last Date: 12.02.2014.
Age Limit: 25 Years
HPCL Recruitment
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is an Indian state-owned oil company headquartered at Mumbai, India. HPCL has been ranked 267th in the Fortune Global 500 rankings of the world’s biggest corporations for the year 2012. HPCL is a Government of India Enterprise with a Navratna Status, and a Fortune 500 and Forbes 2000 company, with an annual turnover of Rs. 1,32,670 Crores and sales/income from operations of Rs 1,43,396 CroreS during FY 2010-11, having about 20% Marketing share in India among PSUs and a strong market infrastructure. HPCL’s Crude Thruput and Market Sales (including exports) are 14.75 Million Metric Tonnes (MMT) and 27.03 MMT respectively in the same period. HPCL operates 2 major refineries producing a wide variety of petroleum fuels & specialties, one in Mumbai (West Coast) of 6.5 Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) capacity and the other in Vishakapatnam, (East Coast) with a capacity of 8.3 MMTPA. HPCL holds an equity stake of 16.95% in Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited, a state-of-the-art refinery at Mangalore with a capacity of 9 MMTPA.
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